Scrap Content to build a Hugo Site - Part 1

Python, Json and Hugo

Scrap Content and Build a Hugo Site

This is the first part of a project I worked on that using Python, Beautiful Soup, Hugo, Netlify, Zapier and Datatables to create a site that scraped pricing data every 24 hours and rendered it on a static site.

  • PART 1 : Scrape the content to a JSON and CSV file (This Article)
  • PART 2 : Build the Hugo site and pull in the JSON file for rendering (coming soon)
  • PART 3 : Deploy to Netlify and Schedule to run every 24 hours (coming soon)


  1. You need to have python 3 and pip installed
  2. You need to install all the imported modules below using pip eg pip install requests
  3. I recommend installing Jupyter notebooks, its an easy way to test your code in python and seeing the results after each code block


  • Setup and Helper Functions
  • Import the Site Data from a CSV
  • For Each Site for teaser content, scrape the data (Title, Price and Url to the more information page)
  • Combine all the site data into a data frame
  • Export this data to a json and csv file for use on the hugo site and other projects (Drupal Import )
  • Build the hugo site

Setup and Helper Functions

Import the neccesary python modules

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import re
import hashlib
import subprocess

Variable Setup

timestamp_full ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:')
timestamp_day  ='%Y-%m-%d')

# Site Import Data
site_data_file = 'importfiles/sitedata.csv'
site_data_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["company","site", "collection"])

# Site Export Data
scraped_data_file = 'exportfiles/scraped_sites'

Standard Helper Functions

# Log processing commands to see where a site may have failed
def log_processing(url):
    print('  ---> processing ' + url)

# Pull out everything but numbers and letters from the imported string
def returnNumbersAndLettersOnly(oldString):
    newString = ''.join(e for e in oldString if e.isalnum())
    return newString

# Pull out everything but numbers from the imported string
def returnNumbersOnly(oldString):
    newString = ''.join(e for e in oldString if e.isdigit())
    return newString

# Set default headers for call
# Testing out calls
def getHeadersObject(url):
    headers = {
        'User-Agent': "PostmanRuntime/7.18.0",
        'Accept': "*/*",
        'Cache-Control': "no-cache",
        'Accept-Encoding': "gzip, deflate",
        'Referer': url,
        'Connection': "keep-alive",
        'cache-control': "no-cache"
    return headers

# Get the index of an item and handle the exception where the index does not exist and set to empty
def pop(item,index):

        return item[index]
    except IndexError:
        return 'null'

    return breakout

Custom Functions

# Sample Scraping Function
def scrapeTeaserDataFromCollection_type1(url,site):

    site_scraped_data_df_temp = pd.DataFrame(columns=["site","title", "url","price"])
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'html.parser')
    resultsRow = soup.find_all('article', {'class': 'box-info'})

    for resultRow in resultsRow:
        resultRowBreakdown = resultRow.find('p', {'class': 'text-info'}).text.split('from')
            site_scraped_data_df_temp = site_scraped_data_df_temp.append(
            , ignore_index=True)
        except IndexError as e:
            gotdata = ''

    return site_scraped_data_df_temp

# Sample Scraping Function
def scrapeTeaserDataFromCollection_type2(url,site):

    site_scraped_data_df_temp = pd.DataFrame(columns=["site","title", "url","price"])
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'html.parser')
    resultsRow = soup.find('div', {'class': 'ppb_tour_classic'}).find_all('div', {'class': 'element'})

    for resultRow in resultsRow:
            site_scraped_data_df_temp = site_scraped_data_df_temp.append(
                    'title':resultRow.find('h4').text, #<h2><a -.find('a'),
                    'price':returnNumbersOnly(resultRow.find('div', {'class': 'tour_price'}).text.strip('$')),
                    'url':resultRow.find('a',{'class': 'tour_link'}).get('href')
            , ignore_index=True)
        except IndexError as e:
            gotdata = ''

    return site_scraped_data_df_temp

Import the site data

# Import and Print out the Sites you want to Scrape
site_data_df = pd.read_csv(site_data_file)
0Stephen Morrissey 1https://stephenmorrissey.me
1Stephen Morrissey 2https://stephenmorrissey.me

Scrape Pages

site_scraped_data_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["site","title", "url","price"])

#Go Through All Sites and Scrape the Appropriate Data

for index, row in site_data_df.iterrows():
    if row['scrape_type'] == 'type1':
        site_scraped_data_df = site_scraped_data_df.append(scrapeTeaserDataFromCollection_type1(row['collection'],row['company']), ignore_index=True)
    elif row['scrape_type'] == 'type2':
        site_scraped_data_df = site_scraped_data_df.append(scrapeTeaserDataFromCollection_type2(row['collection'],row['company']), ignore_index=True)
        print("NOT SCRAPE TYPE FOUND")

  ---> processing Stephen Morrissey 1
  ---> processing Stephen Morrissey 2

Output results to CSV & JSON files

#Output to CSV
#Output to JSON (Orient will allow you to input this into structure for display on a site)
                  site                  title       url price
0  Stephen Morrissey 1    Sample Page Content  /testurl  3200
1  Stephen Morrissey 1  Sample Page Content 2  /testurl   900
2  Stephen Morrissey 1  Sample Page Content 3  /testurl  1300
3  Stephen Morrissey 2    Sample Page Content  /testurl  3200
4  Stephen Morrissey 2  Sample Page Content 2  /testurl   900
5  Stephen Morrissey 2  Sample Page Content 3  /testurl  1300

Get the code

PART 2 - Building the Hugo Site to display the information on Netlify (Coming Soon)

Stephen Morrissey
Product Manager & Tech Enthusiast

Over many years I have been an entrepreneur and love the challenge of finding new and innovative strategies to building products and services.

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